© 2010 BSA Troop 344, Pemberville, Ohio. All rights reserved. Please send comments or questions to the webmaster.
Yellowstone is a land sculpted by fire and water. The volcanic caldera in which most of Yellowstone resides shows that the fires still burn from within. Water from Yellowstone's melting winter snowpack percolates down towards the magma chamber and results in the vast number of geothermal features. The forest and wildflower filled meadows of this area show evidence of renewal by the fires that periodically sweep across the landscape. Our High Adventure trip witnessed the influences of fire and water on this area by backpacking for seven days and covering 72 miles through Yellowstone's backcountry. We experienced first hand why the mosquitoes of Yellowstone's backcountry are legendary. Some of the highlights included seeing the rarely visited Phantom Fumerole on Pitchstone Plateau, the spectacular Union Falls, and swimming in the geothermally heated 85oF water of Scout Pool. We enjoyed the numerous waterfalls and rapids as we hiked up Bechler Canyon. The remote Shoshone Geyser Basin provided a fascinating lunch stop as we hiked around beautiful Shoshone Lake. After leaving the trail, our crew spent two days viewing some of the outstanding geological features and wildlife that Yellowstone offers to her guests.

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Since March 17, 2013