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Ansel Adams Wilderness
First established in 1964 as the Minarets Wilderness, the Ansel Adams Wilderness lies immediately southeast of--and contiguous to--Yosemite National Park. The wilderness was renamed to honor the famous landscape photographer and environmentalist by the 1984 California Wilderness Act. The 231,005-acre wilderness is a spectacular setting of alpine meadows, lakes, and rugged peaks that encompass the headwaters of the San Joaquin River. It is home to some of the most breathtaking scenery in the Sierra, if not the entire country. Indeed, likely for this very reason, the wilderness at one time was part of Yosemite. Like several other areas in the High Sierra, it is home to spectacular wildflower displays in the spring and equally impressive quaking aspen displays in the fall. Also found throughout the wilderness are abundant Red fir, Jeffrey pine, and some gorgeous stands of mountain hemlock at the higher elevations. Adding to the alpine feel, a number of small glaciers are found on the northern and northeastern aspects of the highest peaks.
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