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Adult Training Opportunities
BSA and Troop 344 are committed to having adult volunteers trained so that, like the Scouts, they can "Be Prepared" to fill their roles, and "Do Their Best" in those roles. A variety of training courses are offered both online and live by Scouting volunteers in the Erie Shores Council and adjoining councils. In addition to position-specific training, there are a number of very important training courses related to youth protection, hazardous weather and safety. Provided that you complete the training course, the Troop will reimburse you for all training fees and costs (for live training - no cost for online training) - we just need you to take the time to take and complete the training.
Training is only available to adults who are officially registered as adult leaders with the troop. This would be non-uniformed committee members as well as uniformed leaders. If you are not registered, please consider become registered and then taking the training. There are a lot of benefits to adult registration. Much of the training listed below is available online, where you can do it on your own time and from the comfort of your home computer. To take the online training courses, you must have your BSA registration number (from your official registration card), create a My Scouting account and login. Here is the gateway starting link for all online BSA training: https://my.scouting.org/. From here registered leaders can create the MyScouting Account, choose the training course they want to take, login and take the course.
Live training is usually scheduled on a Saturday, either half-day or full day. Occasionally, training will be a few hours on a weeknight. For those who want to move beyond the basic level of training, advanced Wood Badge training occupies several weekends. Training is also offered to adults during our summer camps. Check the Erie Shores Council Training Page for updates and information on training courses. Available training courses, both online and live, include:
Boy Scout Leader Fast Start Training (Online Only) - Fast Start is designed for the brand new adult leader. It gives a brief overview of the Boy Scout program and how adult leaders are important to the success of a Boy Scout Troop.
Youth Protection Training (Online Only)- New Youth Protection Training Requirement
Recently, the Boy Scouts of America announced important changes to its Youth Protection policies. The purpose of these changes is to increase awareness of this societal problem and to create even greater barriers to abuse than already exist today in Scouting.
Effective June 1, 2010:
* Youth Protection training is required for all BSA registered volunteers, regardless of their position.
* New leaders are required to take Youth Protection training before submitting an application for
registration. The certificate of completion for this training must be submitted at the time the application
is made and before volunteer service with youth begins.
* Youth Protection training must be taken every two years. If a volunteer's Youth Protection training record
is not current at the time of recharter, the volunteer will not be reregistered.
To find out more about the Youth Protection policies of the Boy Scouts of America and how to help Scouting keep your family safe, see the Parent's Guide in any of the Cub Scouting or Boy Scouting handbooks, or go to http://www.scouting.org/Training/YouthProtection.aspx.
What does this mean to you? If you are currently a registered leader with Troop 344, you must immediately take Youth Protection Training through the online course. If you do not already have an account, you will need to first create an account at http://my,scouting.org/ and take the online Youth Protection Training module. Have your BSA Membership number handy (it's on your BSA card).
Hazardous Weather Training - BSA now requires that at least one adult leader on a camping trip have taken the Hazardous Weather Training. This training is well done and pretty interesting, and would be valuable to any adult leader, not just those who camp with the troop.
New Leader Essentials (Currently Live Training, but soon to be online) - Leaders learn about the objectives of the Scouting program and the methods used to achieve them. They also gain a basic understanding of youth development, as well as how Scouting is organized and financed, policies related to the program, and resources to help leaders succeed. The training is for all new adult leaders.
Boy Scout Basic Leader Training (Live Training) - This is a good training course for all adults in the troop, but is strongly encouraged for all uniformed troop leaders. This training discusses the role of the adult leaders in a Boy-led Troop, the Outdoor Program, the Advancement Program, and Program planning.
Introduction to Outdoor Leadership Skills (Live Training) - This is a hands-on training program to give adult leaders the practical skills they need to lead Scouts in the Outdoors like setting up a campsite, pitching a tent, hiking, and outdoor cooking. The course is a day and a half long and is required training for Scoutmasters and their Assistants.
Safe Swim Defense (Online, and also at Summer Camps) - Before a BSA group may engage in swimming activities of any kind, a minimum of one adult leader must complete Safe Swim Defense training, have a commitment card with them, and agree to use the eight defenses in the Safe Swim Defense plan. This and the other safety training courses are 30 minutes each and are often taught as a group.
Safety Afloat (Online, and also at Summer Camps) - Before a BSA group may engage in an activity on the water involving canoes, rafts, sailboats or other craft, adult leaders for such activity must complete Safety Afloat Training, have a commitment card with them, and be dedicated to full compliance with all nine points of Safety Afloat.
Climb On Safely (Usually at Summer Camps only) - Before a BSA group may engage in climbing or bouldering activities, a minimum of one adult leader must complete Climb On Safely training.

"One hundred years from now it will not matter what your bank account was, the sort of house you lived in,
or the kind of car you drove; but the world may be different because you were important in the life of a child."
Dr. Forest E. Witcraft (1894-1967)
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