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Since March 17, 2013
A Scouter is... Capable, Hopeful, Patient, Determined, Dependable, Trusting, Humble, Flexible, Generous, Fearless, Ready, and Exhausted.
What is a Camporee?
A Camporee is many things - camping fun for boys, the thumping of hundreds of feet on the way to an evening campfire, and the blue smoke from fires cooking stew or ham and eggs. It's the patter of rain on many tents at night. It's the ripple of windblown flags in the morning sun. It's catching the idea of teamwork in a patrol.
Camporees may be held at any time of the year. Camporee programs may include contests and demonstrations of outdoor Scouting skill as well as campfires, games, and field events. These activities can show Scouting at its best.
To put excitement into camporees, try following a theme. What does a themed camporee mean? Why do we want to use a theme? A themed camporee:
* Unifies the events that participants will engage in.
* Gives the Scouts something to celebrate.
* Gets the creativity going.
* Makes things different.
Using different themes each year helps keep camporees fresh. They can generate enthusiasm among the Scouts, particularly when themes are chosen that reflect the current interests of the participating Scouts. How do you know what their interests are? Ask them. The themes provided on this page could make a great starting point for discussing what type of camporee the boys would like to have and the events they should include. If you want to increase participation at a camporee by the Scouts give them a vested interest in the program. Get the senior patrol leaders and patrol leaders involved in the planning process.
Download and view the following to help you Organize and Execute a Themed Camporee - PowerPoint PDF